ICAPS 2010 Workshops Program

The following workshops have been accepted for ICAPS 2010:

Accepted Workshops

Workshop Details

WS1: COPLAS'10 -  Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning and Scheduling Problems

The areas of AI planning and scheduling have seen important advances thanks to the application of constraint satisfaction models and techniques. Especially solutions to many real-world problems need to integrate plan synthesis capabilities with resource allocation, which can be efficiently managed by using constraint satisfaction techniques.

The workshop will aim at providing a forum for researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence to discuss novel issues on planning, scheduling, constraint programming/constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) and many other common areas that exist among them. On the whole, the workshop will mainly focus on managing complex problems where planning, scheduling and constraint satisfaction must be combined and/or interrelated, which entails an enormous potential for practical applications and future research.


  • Miguel A. Salido (contact person), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
    contact email: msalido (at) dsic.upv.es
  • Roman Bartak, Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic
  • Neil Yorke-Smith, American University of Beirut/SRI International


WS2: KEPS - Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling

Despite the progress in automated planning and scheduling systems, these systems still need to be fed by careful problem description and
they need to be fine tuned for particular domains or problems.
Knowledge engineering for AI planning and scheduling deals with the acquisition, validation and maintenance of domain models, and the
selection and optimization of appropriate machinery to work on them. These processes impact directly on the success of real planning and scheduling applications. The importance of knowledge engineering techniques is clearly demonstrated by a performance gap between domain-independent planners and planners exploiting domain dependent knowledge.



  • Roman Bartak, Charles University, Czech Republic
    contact email: bartak (at) ktiml.mff.cuni.cz
  • Simone Fratini, ISTC-CNR, Italy
    contact email: simone.fratini (at) istc.cnr.it
  • Lee McCluskey, University of Huddersfield, UK
    contact email: lee (at) hud.ac.uk
  • Tiago Stegun Vaquero, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
    contact email: tiago.vaquero (at) poli.usp.br


WS3: POMDP Practitioners Workshop: solving real-world POMDP problems

Over the past decade, much advancement was achieved in the field of decision-theoretic planning under sensing and actuation uncertainty, i.e., Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). The size of domains that POMDP solvers can handle has increased by orders of magnitude. Solvers developed ten years ago were hardly able to handle more than 10 states, while modern solvers scale up to models with millions of states.

The advances in scalable POMDP algorithms have opened the door to many POMDP applications. Many researchers have successfully applied POMDPs to their problems, for instance using off-the-shelf software. Many more acknowledge the applicability of POMDPs to their problems.

This workshop is intended to bring together POMDP practitioners with researchers developing POMDP algorithms. Thus, we hope to help practitioners to overcome the difficulties in adopting POMDPs to their domains, as well as point researchers to the real world challenges.



WS4: SPARK -  Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop

Application domains that contain planning and scheduling (P&S) problems pose a combination of issues, from modelling to technological to institutional, that present challenges to the AI planning and scheduling community. New domains and real-world problems are becoming more frequent challenges for AI. The international Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK) series was established to help address the gap between developments in the AI P&S community and application of these advances.

The aim of the workshop series is to provide a stable, long-term forum collocated with ICAPS, where researchers and practitioners can discuss the applications of planning and scheduling techniques to real problems rather than academic benchmarks. That is, domains and problem instances should be under study for, or closely inspired by, a real industrial/commercial deployment of P&S techniques. This workshop marks the fourth in the SPARK series.



  • Steve Chien, NASA JPL, USA
    contact email: steve.chien (at) jpl.nasa.gov
  • Gabriella Cortellessa, ISTC-CNR, Italy
    contact email: gabriella.cortellessa (at) istc.cnr.it
  • Neil Yorke-Smith, American University of Beirut (Lebanon), and SRI International (USA)
    contact email: nysmith (at) ai.sri.com

WS5: Planning in Games

Playing games successfully requires players to devise action sequences that accomplish certain goals. In other words, they are solving planning problems. With such a tight relationship between action planning and playing games, it is surprising that planning and AI in games research have evolved for several decades without much interaction.

The goal of this second ICAPS workshop on planning in games is to bring researchers in both fields together to discuss how to plan actions in large game state spaces, ranging from complex abstract games such as go and chess to modern video game genres like role playing and real-time strategy games. These games test the limits of traditional game-tree search approaches, and also involve many current topics of interest in planning such as: temporal and spatial reasoning, resource management, cost-based planning, and imperfect information.




WS6: Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty

 Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty is one of the fastest changing research areas if the field of automated planning and scheduling.  This workshop addresses recent advances that handle uncertainty in all its forms, including, but not limited to:

  • Markov decision processes
  • Stochastic Scheduling
  • Conformant and Contingent Planning
  • Plan Monitoring, Execution, and Re-planning
  • Handling Uncertain: Effects, Resource Consumption, or Durations
  • P/S with Partial Observability
  • Learning Planning Models
  • Planning in Incomplete Domains
  • Benchmarks for P/S Under Uncertainty
  • Applications of P/S Under Uncertainty


  • Olivier Buffet, INRIA
    contact email: olivier.buffet (at) loria.fr
  • Scott Sanner, NICTA
    contact email: Scott.Sanner (at) nicta.com.au
  • Daniel Bryce, Utah State University
    contact email: daniel.bryce (at) usu.edu


WS7: CAMP - Combining Action and Motion Planning

 Recent advances in robotics have allowed robots to operate in more cluttered and more complex environments with a need to solve tasks which require elaborate planning. From long lasting space missions to daily house hold tasks, robots are faced with problems where symbolic and geometric aspects are strongly linked. For task oriented mobile manipulation, there is now a clear need to go beyond a simple juxtaposition of symbolic and geometric reasoning layers. More elaborate schemes that consider explictly their potential intricacies need to be devised. 

The goal of this workshop is to encourage interaction between researchers in the fields of motion plannning, spatial reasoning, task and action planning and to discuss approaches, models and algorithms that allow to brige the gap between these various planning schemes.



  • Emrah Akin Sisbot - LAAS/CNRS
  • Rachid Alami - LAAS/CNRS
  • Mike Stilman - Georgia Institute of Technology


ICAPS Workshops Important Dates

  • Paper submission: March 1st March 5th, 2010 (deadline extended)
  • Paper notification: March 24th, 2010
  • Final papers: March 31st, 2010
  • Workshops: May 12th and 13th, 2010

Workshop Program Chair