Program Outline ICAPS'10


ICAPS'10 Awards:

Best Paper Award

Computing Applicability Conditions for Plans with Loops

Siddharth Srivastava, Neil Immerman and Shlomo Zilberstein

Best Paper Runner-Up Award

Iterative Learning of Weighted Rule Sets for Greedy Search

Yuehua Xu, Alan Fern and Sungwook Yoon

Best Application Paper Award

Timeline-based space operations scheduling with external constraints

Steve Chien, Daniel Tran, Gregg Rabideau, Steve Schaffer, Daniel Mandl and Stuart Frye


Wednesday, May 12: Doctoral Consortium and Workshops

Sutton 2nd Floor

Doctoral Consortium

WS1: COPLAS'10 - Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning and Scheduling Problems

WS3: POMDP Practioners Workshop: solving real-world POMDP problems

WS7: CAMP - Combining Action and Motion Planning


Thursday, May 13: Tutorials and Workshops

Sutton 2nd Floor

TU1: Planning for the Future Internet of Services (Paolo Traverso)

TU2: Planning and Scheduling for Traffic Control (Scott Sanner)

TU3: Monte-Carlo Planning: Basic Principles and Recent Progress (Alan Fern)

TU4: Landmarks in Heuristic-Search Planning (Erez Karpas and Silvia Richter)

WS2: KEPS - Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling

WS4: SPARK - Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop

WS5: Planning in Games

WS6: Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty

19:00 -- 21:00: ICAPS Reception in Stop 33 (Sutton top floor)


Friday, May 14, Morning: Joint ICAPS/AAMAS Programme


8:30 -- 9:30: ICAPS/AAMAS Joint Invited Talk

Daniele Nardi: Robotic Agents for Disaster Response Robotics

9:30 -- 10:00: Coffee Break

10:00 -- 12:00: ICAPS/AAMAS Parallel Joint Technical Sessions

Multi-Agent Planning and SchedulingPlanning under Uncertainty

Point-Based Policy Generation for Decentralized POMDPs (AAMAS)

Feng Wu, Shlomo Zilberstein and Xiaoping Chen

Pattern Database Heuristics for Fully Observable Nondeterministic Planning (ICAPS)

Robert Mattmüller, Manuela Ortlieb, Malte Helmert and Pascal Bercher

Influence-based Policy Abstraction for Weakly-coupled DEC-POMDPs (ICAPS)

Stefan Witwicki and Edmund Durfee

Merging Example Plans into Generalized Plans for Non-deterministic Environments (AAMAS)

Siddharth Srivastava, Neil Immerman and Shlomo Zilberstein

Point-Based Backup for Decentralized POMDPs: Complexity and New Algorithms (AAMAS)

Akshat Kumar and Shlomo Zilberstein

Approximate Dynamic Programming with Affine ADDs (AAMAS)

Scott Sanner, William Uther and Karina Valdivia Delgado

A General, Fully Distributed Multi-Agent Planning Algorithm (AAMAS)

Raz Nissim, Ronen Brafman and Carmel Domshlak

Planning for concurrent action executions under action duration uncertainty using dynamically generated Bayesian Networks (ICAPS)

Eric Beaudry, Froduald Kabanza and Francois Michaud

Algorithms for Solving the Multiagent Simple Temporal Problem (ICAPS)

James Boerkoel and Edmund Durfee

Risk-Sensitive Planning in Partially Observable Environments (AAMAS)

Janusz Marecki and Pradeep Varakantham

Distributed Coordination of Mobile Agent Teams: The Advantage of Planning Ahead (AAMAS)

Laura Barbulescu, Zachary Rubinstein, Stephen Smith, Terry Zimmerman

When Policies Can Be Trusted: Analyzing a Criteria to Identify Optimal Policies in MDPs with Unknown Model Parameters (ICAPS, Short Paper)

Emma Brunskil

9:30 -- 12:30: ICAPS/AAMAS Joint Demo Session


Friday, May 14, Afternoon: ICAPS Technical Program

Sutton 2nd Floor, Queen Victoria Ballroom(s) and Foyer

14:00 -- 14:15: Opening Remarks

14:15 -- 16:00: Plenary Technical Session


The Joy of Forgetting: Faster Anytime Search via Restarting

Silvia Richter, Jordan T. Thayer and Wheeler Ruml

Perfect Hashing for Domain-Dependent Planning on the GPU

Damian Sulewski, Stefan Edelkamp and Cengizhan Yücel

On Adversarial Search Spaces and Sampling-Based Planning (Short Paper)

Raghuram Ramanujan, Ashish Sabharwal and Bart Selman

Simultaneously Searching with Multiple Settings: An Alternative to Parameter Tuning for Suboptimal Single-Agent Search Algorithms

Richard Valenzano, Jonathan Schaeffer, Nathan Sturtevant, Karen Buro and Akihiro Kishimoto

16:00 -- 16:30: Coffee Break

16:30 -- 17:00 Challenge Papers; 16:30 -- 18:30 Doctoral Consortium Posters and Demo Posters

Challenge PapersDC Posters
Demo Posters

G-value Plateaus: A Challenge for Planning

J. Benton, Kartik Talamadupula, Patrick Eyerich, Robert Mattmueller and Subbarao Kambhampati



Construction Management Applications: Challenges in Developing Execution Control Plans

Nilufer Onder, Amlan Mukherjee and Pei Tang



Saturday, May 15: ICAPS Technical Program

Sutton 2nd Floor, Queen Victoria Ballroom(s) and Foyer

9:00 -- 10:00: Invited Talk

Moshe Vardi: From Automated Verification to Automated Design

10:00 -- 10:30: Coffee Break

10:30 -- 12:30: Parallel Technical Sessions

ApplicationsClassical Planning: Decomposition and Constraints

Choosing Path Replanning Strategies for Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Mariusz Wzorek, Jonas Kvarnström and Patrick Doherty

Cost-Optimal Factored Planning: Promises and Pitfalls

Loig Jezequel, Patrik Haslum, Eric Fabre and Sylvie Thiebaux

Shopper: a System for Executing and Simulating Expressive Plans (Short Paper)

Robert Goldman and John Maraist

An Evolutionary Metaheuristic Based on State Decomposition for Domain-Independent Satisficing Planning

Jacques Bibai, Pierre Savéant, Marc Schoenauer and Vincent Vidal

Combined Task and Motion Planning for Mobile Manipulation (Short Paper)

Jason Wolfe, Bhaskara Marthi and Stuart Russell

The Scanalyzer Domain: Greenhouse Logistics as a Planning Problem (Short Paper)

Malte Helmert and Hauke Lasinger

Constraint Propagation in Propositional Planning

Andreas Sideris and Yannis Dimopoulos

A PDDL+ Benchmark Problem: The Batch Chemical Plant (Short Paper)

Giuseppe Della Penna, Benedetto Intrigila, Daniele Magazzeni and Fabio Mercorio

Genome Rearrangement and Planning: Revisited (Short Paper)

Tansel Uras and Esra Erdem

Handling Goal Utility Dependencies in a Satisfiability Framework

Richard Russell and Sean Holden

Waking Up a Sleeping Rabbit: On Natural-Language Sentence Generation with FF (Short Paper)

Alexander Koller and Jörg Hoffmann

12:30 -- 14:00: Lunch Break

14:00 -- 15:30: Plenary Technical Session

Abstraction, Learning, and Generalized Planning

When Abstractions Met Landmarks

Carmel Domshlak, Michael Katz and Sagi Lefler

Iterative Learning of Weighted Rule Sets for Greedy Search

Yuehua Xu, Alan Fern and Sungwook Yoon

Computing Applicability Conditions for Plans with Loops

Siddharth Srivastava, Neil Immerman and Shlomo Zilberstein

15:30 -- 16:00: Coffee Break

16:00 -- 17:00: Panel Session: The Present and Future(s) of Planning

17:15 -- 18:30: Community Meeting, includes Best Dissertation Talk and Awards Ceremony

19:00: Bus Departure from Sutton Hotel to Harbour

19:15 -- 22:45: Banquet during Ship Cruise

(Bus back to Sutton after cruise)



Sunday, May 16: ICAPS Technical Program

Sutton 2nd Floor, Queen Victoria Ballroom(s) and Foyer

9:00 -- 10:00: Invited Talk

Holger Hoos: Automated Tuning, Configuration, Selection and Beyond

10:00 -- 10:30: Coffee Break

10:30 -- 12:30: Parallel Technical Sessions

SchedulingPlanning under Uncertainty

Partially Informed Depth-First Search for the Job Shop Problem

Carlos Mencía, María Sierra and Ramiro Varela

Classical Planning in MDP Heuristics: With a Little Help from Generalization

Andrey Kolobov, Mausam, Daniel Weld

Incrementally Solving STNs by Enforcing Partial Path Consistency

Léon Planken, Mathijs de Weerdt and Neil Yorke-Smith

A New Approach to Conformant Planning Using CNF

Son To, Son Tran and Enrico Pontelli

Towards finding robust execution strategies for RCPSP with durational uncertainty

Na Fu, Pradeep Varakantham  and Hoong Chuin Lau

Improving Determinization in Hindsight for Probabilistic Planning

Sungwook Yoon, J. Benton, Minh Do, Wheeler Ruml

Timeline-based space operations scheduling with external constraints

Steve Chien, Daniel Tran, Gregg Rabideau, Steve Schaffer, Daniel Mandl and Stuart Frye

Self-Taught Decision Theoretic Planning with First Order Decision Diagrams

Saket Joshi, Kristian Kersting, Roni Khardon

12:30 -- 14:00: Lunch Break

14:00 -- 15:30: Plenary Technical Session

Heuristic Search Planning

Temporal Planning with Problems Requiring Concurrency through Action Graphs and Local Search (Short Paper)

Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Alessandro Saetti and Ivan Serina

Forward-Chaining Partial-Order Planning

Amanda Coles, Andrew Coles, Maria Fox and Derek Long

Using Backwards Generated Goals for Heuristic Planning

Vidal Alcazar, Daniel Borrajo and Carlos Linares López

The More, the Merrier: Combining Heuristic Estimators for Satisficing Planning (Short Paper)

Gabriele Röger and Malte Helmert

15:30 -- 16:00: Coffee Break

16:00 -- 17:00: Plenary Technical Session

Plan Explanation and Improvement

Action Elimination and Plan Neighborhood Graph Search: Two Algorithms for Plan Improvement

Hootan Nakhost and Martin Müller

Coming up With Good Excuses: What to do When no Plan Can be Found

Moritz Göbelbecker, Thomas Keller, Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner and Bernhard Nebel

17:00 -- 17:15: Closing Remarks