Time Table

 Submission DateNotification Date
Paper Abstracts (Full Technical / Short Technical / Challenge / Position)11th December 2009
12th February 2010
Papers (Full Technical / Short Technical / Challenge / Position)

19th December 2009

12th February 2010
Demo Descriptions5th March 201024th March 2010
Workshop Proposal9th December 200914th December 2009
Workshop Papers
 5th March 2010 24th March 2010
Tutorial Proposal22nd November 20092nd December 2009
Doctoral Consortium 5th March 201024th March 2010
Early Registration Deadline 12th March 2010 ---
Late Registration Deadline(*)   9th April 2010  ---
ICAPS'10 Conference  12th May -- 16th May 2010 ---
ICAPS'10 Workshops, Tutorials, DC
 12th May -- 13th May 2010 ---

 (*) Authors of accepted Workshop Papers, Demos, or Doctoral Consortium Submissions can register until this date with Early Registration Fee, by indicating themselves as being such authors.