ICAPS 2010 Demonstrations and Exhibits

System Demonstration Proceedings (pdf)

The Demonstrations and Exhibits programme at ICAPS 2010 provides an opportunity for planning and scheduling researchers and practitioners to demonstrate their state-of-the-art implementations in action. This event allows the community to experience the latest contributions while broadening the reach of novel methods in a relaxed social setting. The format of the exhibition intends to give applications a higher profile and to allow demonstrations to have an impact to more conference attendees.

Researchers from all sub-areas of AI planning and scheduling are encouraged to submit proposals to demonstrate their systems. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their novelty and scientific or industrial contributions, relevance to the conference theme, user-friendliness, and presentation. We encourage submissions demonstrating new and innovative techniques for planning and scheduling, as well as submissions from mature, commercial and/or deployed systems, and systems in development for deployment.

Recognition of the Demonstrations and Exhibits is anticipated by an award for Best System Demonstration. 

The Demonstrations and Exhibits programme will consist of a demonstration session on the monring of Friday 14 May, joint with AAMAS, and a poster session on the afternoon of the same day.  The award for Best System Demonstration will be made at the ICAPS Community Meeting.


Accepted Demonstrations


Additional Material


Submission of Proposals (closed)

Potential exhibitors are invited to submit the following items by email to the Demonstrations and Exhibits co-chairs, by February 15th, 2010:

  1. A summary of the proposed demonstration of up to 250 words, submitted as plain text. Please include the title, and demonstrators names and affiliation(s).
  2. A extended abstract of 2-4 pages in AAAI format, describing the technical content of the demonstration, and including credits and references.
  3. A storyboard describing the proposed demonstration. This may be submitted as a PDF document of not more than six pages in AAAI format, or as a link to a video (in MPEG, Quicktime or Flash format: send a link to the URL). The storyboard will be the primary evaluation of the suitability and merit of the proposed demonstration.
  4. A description of any non-standard hardware or logistic arrangements.

The extended abstracts of accepted demonstrations will be available to conference participants and will be archived on the conference web site.

In addition to direct submission of demonstrations and exhibits, submissions to the ICAPS regular and short technical paper tracks will have the option to indicate that the submission can be considered for suitability for the conference Demonstrations and Exhibits. This consideration will be an independent outcome to the technical paper reviewing. Works accepted by this route need not prepare an extended abstract.

Important Dates

  • 1 March 2010 - Proposals of demonstrations and exhibits
  • 24 March 2010 - Notification of acceptance
  • 31 March 2010 - Camera ready extended abstracts
  • 12-16 May 2010 - ICAPS 2010 conference



ICAPS 2010 Demonstrations and Exhibits co-chairs:
  • Ivan Serina, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (ivan.serina _AT_ unibz.it)
  • Neil Yorke-Smith, American University of Beirut, Lebanon and SRI International, USA (nysmith _AT_ ai.sri.com)